Welcome to the Louie research group!
Dr. Stacey Louie is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Houston. She teaches Environmental Engineering for undergraduates and Environmental Modeling for graduate students.
Our research group is generally interested in water quality topics. Water touches every aspect of our lives, from having clean water to drink and to grow our food, to enjoying the world around us (clean and safe beaches and waterways). Water quality is also crucial to maintain healthy natural ecosystems.
Our special expertise is in environmental nanotechnology and the environmental fate and transport of nanoparticles, colloids, macromolecules, and emerging contaminants. We are interested in sustainable applications of nanomaterials for water treatment. We are also interested in understanding how particles, polymers (plastics), and natural organic matter move throughout the natural environment, and how particle and surface interactions can change the transport and risk (exposure and hazard) of chemical species in aqueous environments.
Explore the different pages for more information on specific projects and activities!